Horror Film Poster Analysis: MAMA
Mama Poster Analysis
Colour -
The chosen colour scheme relates well
to the horror genre, which is what this film is. The theme seems to
give off a paranormal disturbance vibe. This is because the darker
blacks, browns and and grey's connote mystery and the fear of the
unknown, which is the theme of the film. These colours are a strong
contrast of the pale white girl and makes her stand out as the main
character. White typically connote innocence and this high key
lighting is showing this. The white writing on the title of the film
could connote a 'ghost' theme within the film, linking in with the
paranormal disturbance again and the fear of the unknown.
Typography -
The use of sans serif font style makes
the writing stand out and make more of an impact on the audience. The
sans serif font may be more conventional within the horror genre as
this genre is used to make an impact on the audience by triggering
their attention and emotions, so this font links in with the genre by
making a statement. The size of the title helps it stand out and be
one of the first things that you see, allowing the audience know what
the film is called.
Main Image -
The character in the centre of the
image appears to be wearing old, worn out clothing. This could
indicate that something tragic has happened to them, telling the
audience that this is an intrging horror film. The costume worn by
the other character gives you an indication that they are young,
showing them to be vulnerable and isolated. The shot type is a
mid-shot, but her facial expression expression still clearly strike
fear and intrigue into the audience. It also allows the audience to
see that the younger character is holding the anonymous characters
arm, indicating towards what the plot of the film, and the
relationship of these two characters. The mid-shot also allows you to
see the costumes that the characters are wearing and the audience can
relate this to the horror genre, as rags are typical of horror's.
This shot does not show the face of one of the characters so this
creates a mysterious atmosphere, as the audience are unaware of what
the character actually looks like.
Layout -
Because one of the characters is
highlighted, this signifies their importance within the film. The
highlighted character on the right uses the rule of thirds, which
stresses on her vulnerility, linking again to the genre as she
appears to be afraid. The film title is in the conventional position
as it is in the centre third of the page.
Hook -
The writing at the top of the page is
conventional as it is commonly used to attract larger audiences. This
wider audience would come from fans of Pans Labyrinth as they might
think this film is similar if it has the same people working on it.
Language -
The use of the phrase 'A mothers love
is forever' link to the title as the title is slang for 'mother', it
also gives audiences an intriguing insight into the plot of the film.
This phrase also gives a mysterious tone to the poster and film,
linking in with the genre again.
Conventions of Genre (mise-en-scene) -
The dark colour scheme is conventional
within the horror genre as it links to mystery and fear. The chosen
shot type is also typical of the horror genre as it connotes
isolation, fear and innocence. The facial expression from the
character reinforces this. The costumes worn by the characters are
conventional as the rugged, worn clothes bring in an element of
mystery as the audience will attempt to depict what happened to these
Conventions of Form -
The hook at the top of the poster is
conventional as it is there to attract a wider audience as this film
is the first of its kind so it doesn't already have an existing fan
base or audience. The sans serif fonts and the colour are
conventional as they stand out from the main image to give a greater
impact on the audience by capturing their attention. A character
being in the centre of the poster is conventional as it draws
attention towards is by using the rule of thirds technique to show
what the key elements of the plot.