Summary from Questionnaire Results


Questionnaire Summary

Question 1: What age group are you?

Summary: The vast majority of my results consisted of people being 16-18. This is good because this is a main age group focus for my films target audience. This will hopefully mean that all of the further information I have gathered will reflect what they would like to see in a film resulting in them enjoying my film and it appealing to them directly in the first place.

Question 2: What is your preferred type of setting for a horror film?

Summary: From my results I can see that rural farm house and woodlands were the most popular choices, which is great news for me as a I have access to both of these types of settings for my trailer. Urban streets and alley ways were not a popular option, possibly due to the majority of people living in this environment already and being used to it which would make them less likely to be scared of it. 

Question 3: What is your preferred type of narrative / theme?

Summary: The two types of themes that were the most popular were ghosts / supernatural and myths / folk tales. This tells me that a good back story involving one of these themes or both would make my trailer appeal even more to my target audience, this means that I may need to add in a little extra detail to my current plot idea.

Question 4: Do you prefer a horror film to be in the form of found footage or not?

Summary: the results that I collected from this particular question is that people don't have a preference for whether it was to contain found footage or not, so it may be effective for me to contain some elements of found footage within my trailer, to settle all desires and wants from my target audience.

Question 5: What is your favourite aspect of a horror film?

Summary: Over half of the people that filled out my questionnaire chose thrill / adrenaline as their preferred aspect of a horror film, this means that my trailer must be fast paced, intriguing and enticing for my audience to get their blood pumping and become involved within my trailer. I will do this by putting some elements of the fear that drives my trailer but not so much that the whole plot is revealed.

Question 6: What do you dislike about horror films?

Summary: Almost every person that filled out my questionnaire said they dislike clichés that appear in horror's the most so I will try my hardest to make my trailer completely original and unexpected but at the same time making sure that my audience will still enjoy it.

Question 7: What do you like about horror films?

Summary: The vast majority of people said they like interesting endings. However, for my trailer I will not be revealing the ending so I will attempt to hint at a twist that will change all expectations for the climax of my film.

Question 8: Do you prefer low budget looking horror films or high budget?

Summary: Most people said that they would prefer my film to look high budget, meaning I will have to spend extra time ensuring that my editing is done in a professional manor and any found footage that I use is effective and doesn't make my film look cheap.

Question 9: What is your biggest fear?

Summary: This particular question was very open so I will have to be careful with the decisions that I make when I incorporate the chosen fear within my trailer. For example, if someone said they had arachnophobia and I just stuck a load of spiders in, it would make my film appear very cliché and cheap. So I have to be clever and creative when I put my chosen fears into my trailer.

Question 10: What is your favourite horror film?

Summary: I gave a selection of popular cult classic horror films for people to choose their favourite of. This would give my a good indication of where to take my narrative, what filming styles I will use etc.

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