Looking at Exemplars: Magazine & Poster



In preparation for planning and creating our ancillary products, we had to analyse this poster and magazine front cover.


What I liked about it -

  • The main image is simple yet effective
  • The 'innocence' of the main image conveys a different look
  • The poster generally falls into common codes and conventions of magazines
  • The over-laid images are edited effectively (very 80's but fits well)

What I didn't like about it -

  • The chosen text is all over the place, a maximum of two different texts would look more professional
  • The size of the 'coming soon' text overpowers the feature title
  • Press quotes are usually on DVD release posters and magazine front covers, rather than teaser posters


What I liked about it -

  • The main image works very well and looks professional
  • The colour scheme is effective and again makes it look professional
  • It sticks closely with codes and conventions
  • Not too much on it so it has avoided overcrowding
  • It looks like it could be an actual empire magazine front cover
  • Everything from the text, colour scheme, image and layout relates directly to the film
  • It has a very strong house style

What I didn't like about it -
  • The magazine masthead should be larger. Empire are known for never altering their masthead so this should have been portrayed so it can stand out more.
  • The black 'splats' kill any connotations of blood and violence and connote ink more than anything else.
  • The barcode is not in the normal place, it should be on the right hand side as it is less important and the left hand side of a magazine is reserved for important information as the target market read left to right so they will see this info first.

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