Audience Feedback From 25 Word Pitch


Audience Feedback from 25 Word Pitch

April and Daniel:

·      Fast-paced editing
·      Flashbacks
·      Used footage
·      Clear genre
·      Slight audience hints

Becky and Rachel:

·      Clear narrative
·      Interesting context
·      Clear genre
·      Flashbacks
·      Assumption of audience


·      No clear narrative
·      Audience isn’t hinted at
·      Very obvious genre choice


·      Shown narrative isn’t specific
·      Slight idea of target audience
·      Obvious genre choice


·      Footage was from a similar source so narrative development is clearer
·      Target audience is hinted at for interpretation

·      Genre is quite clear

How I will act upon my feedback:

i will create an ideal consumer for my film trailer, along with an audience profile to ensure that my trailer is completely targeted at my specific target audience. I will also create a document explaining a detailed explanation of my FINAL idea for my film trailer so none of my ideas are lost when I begin filming and editing. I will also ensure that my idea meets with the expectations of my audience.

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