Health and Safety Considerations


Health & Safety Considerations

The first set of filming that I am doing will take place in a house, as the house if lived in there is a minimal chance of any health and safety concerns that could be raised.

The second set of filming that I will be doing will be outside so the weather could make an impact of my filming. If it was to rain I would ensure that I have an umbrella on hand to ensure no equipment is damaged. Another risk is when my actors are making their way to the specific location as they need to cross an A road to do so as you cannot access it directly with a vehicle. To ensure the health and safety risks are minimal, I will ensure to have people with me to supervise the actors within this scene. A following risk with filming in an outdoor location is the risk of illness as the weather is cooling down this time of year. To ensure the risk of illness is minimal I will ensure all cast are wearing appropriate clothing.

As I am filming in a field, I must gain permission from the farmer to ensure I'm not breaching any laws. Another risk of me filming in this particular field is that other people walk their dogs there. I am planning to use a dog in my trailer and I would prefer it if he was off the lead for this. There wouldn't be a problem with this as long as no other dogs are present as this would disrupt filming and the dogs could possibly not get on or become aggressive, which is a risk as I am using young children as my actors. My method for avoiding this happening is to evaluate the location and ensure there is no other dogs present during filming.

The other location that I am filming in is a forest, this is for additional footage, if the field doesn't come out as expected. The same risks apply as with the field, except there are more tripping hazards so I will ensure that all of my actors are careful when we are filming.

My next set of filming will be in another house so there are minimal risks, except that I am using candles so I will ensure that the filming for this is done is a safe and open environment so I can minimise the risk of fire. More filming that I am planning to do involves certain symbols drawn in fake blood. This could easily offend someone so I will ensure that any people that would be offended of this are not present when I film for this. If they are there, I will ensure them that I mean no offence from this and it is just for artistic and visual purposes.

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