Feedback from Current Ancillary Products


  • Move the masthead down and add some cover lines above the title – this is conventional for the mag.
  • You probably need to move your image to be more central, and swap the cover lines from the right side to the left.
  • Move ‘First Look’ up to top right under the masthead OR move the main headline to the centre and have the blob attached to it (look for the Thor issue of Empire to see what I mean!).
  • It feels like there’s a LOT of red on here – you might want to investigate another text colour.
  • Try and replicate the I Am Legend cover with your text boxes / styling, etc.

  • Doesn’t look like a horror – looks more like a drama. 
  • Not currently meeting conventions of a horror.­ Could you include something in the girl’s eye that links to your story – the box or imaginary person? Or could you have the box in a spotlight in the dark part of your poster?
  • No certification.
  • No actors / director / producer details.

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