How my Film Trailer and Ancillary Products are Effected by Different Audience Theories


My film trailer is rated 12 and my 'film' is rated 15. This is due to my trailer containing hints to violence from young children. I if a young child was to watch my trailer they may feel that because the characters in the trailer are carrying out these acts, it is therefore acceptable for them to replicate these acts. The Bobo Doll Experiment supports this judgement as it proved that children who were exposed to violence then went on to mimmic this violence. Also the actors I have used in my trailer are children and they might assume that because it is okay for them to act this was in this situation, it is always okay for them to act like this. This is in relation to the effects model as it can be interpreted differently by different people. If a person was to react negatively to my trailer, it could raise moral panic as people misinterpret the text completely. In relation to Stuart Hall's Reception theory of the way that society decode texts, the audience could become confused and possibly offended. There are different levels to this misinterpretation as some audiences could have a dominant understand to the text and seeing it as a harmless piece of entertainment. Or they could have a negotiated view on the text where they feel as if they have completely mixed views on it. Finally, they could have entirely misread the text and feel completely oppositional towards it and lack any understanding of its purpose. The Uses and Gratification Theory from Blumler and Katz explains that audiences are active when they are faces with different media texts, the opposite of the effects theory. This means that they have entire control of how and why they consume the media they decide to read. Young and Rubicon tell us that there a different reasons for people consuming media. My trailer is directed at people who decide to watch it for diversion, escapism and pleasure as it was created for entertainment purposes. People could also watch my trailer for the controversial view from the effects model that 'people watch violence to not be violent'.

My film poster shouldn't raise too many issues with audience's as I have intentionally made it look innocent. However, audiences that have an oppositional view on it could argue that the child looks as if they are being victimised as the shot used is very close and intrusive. If the audience had a dominant view on my poster they would realise that the innocent look is to represent that the child is too innocent to keep this 'secret' Finally, some audiences could have a negotiated view on my poster as it might not make an impact on them at all, it could just be 'a picture of a girl'.

I think that audiences could have a dominant view on my magazine as the red is very eye-catching and not massively difficult to misinterpret as I am using it to convey emotion. 

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